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Real Estate Convictions France : 2nd half of 2018
Will there be further delay in rate rises ?
In the specific case of French real estate, the global economic slowdown could have an impact on rental markets, although they are showing signs of resilience (see below). Investors are nevertheless above all looking towards the European Central Bank.
Although the ECB announced the ending of quantitative easing (largescale purchases of securities) in December 2018, the economic environment suggests that key rates should be kept the same.
Long-term yield forecasts for 10-year French Treasury bonds should therefore be limited to around 1% in 2019, i.e. a low level that will have no impact on prime real estate yields.

The team

Henry-Aurélien Natter joined Praemia REIM as Research Manager in January 2018. He has the mission of developing the analyses of the Research & Strategy Department on the real estate markets, the economy and capital in France and in Europe.
Henry-Aurélien Natter began his career at Les Echos Etudes (formerly Eurostaf), then at C&W (formerly DTZ), and lastly at BNP PRE, where he acquired solid and varied experience in real estate research, strategy and finance. He is qualified with an AES degree in Business Management, a Masters Decree in management and SME management, and an International Master in commerce and marketing.