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On the net asset value date of 13/09/2024, new and/or deferred redemption orders (net of any subscriptions) exceeded 1% of the fund's net assets. The management company has applied the gating mechanism provided for in the fund documentation.


1st SRI Best-in-class real estate fund


An SRI label for real estate funds


Why invest in an SRI-labeled OPCI?

The PREIM ISR OPCI, a real estate savings solution with an SRI label

Created in 2021, the OPCI PREIM ISR is aimed at investors who wish to diversify their savings by investing in underlying assets comprising mainly physical real estate and, to a lesser extent, financial assets. The OPCI PREIM ISR is an SRI-labeled fund.

L’OPCI PREIM ISR, une solution d’épargne immobilière responsable

Pour investir dans l'immobilier physique en France et en Zone Euro

L’OPCI PREIM ISR est une solution d’épargne à prépondérance immobilière créée par la société de gestion Praemia REIM France. L’objectif du fonds est de délivrer aux investisseurs une distribution régulière de dividendes ainsi qu’une perspective de gains en capital sur le long terme (objectifs non garantis).

Une solution adaptée à chaque moment de vie

Le fonds répond à différents objectifs patrimoniaux en fonction du moment de vie comme se constituer un capital pour financer les études de ses enfants ou préparer sa retraite, avoir un complément de revenus supplémentaires de son salaire ou de sa pension.

OPCI PREIM ISR investissement socialement responsable

The PREIM ISR OPCI, a unique real estate savings solution on the market


Socially useful investments in a growth market

PREIM ISR's investments are mainly driven by favourable demographic factors. Longer life expectancy, ageing and population growth in France and Europe call for a specific response to meet society's growing needs for real estate facilities in the health and education sectors.


A long-term income and capital gains objective

Praemia REIM France has experts specialised by asset class who select real estate in France and in the euro zone in order to diversify the portfolio and the risks.


Socially Responsible Investments for a sustainable financial performance

The investment universe of the OPCI includes only SRI underlying assets:

  • For the real estate portfolio, an exclusive best-in-class approach in terms of ESG based on an evaluation grid developed by Praemia REIM France integrating technical and extra-financial criteria is systematically applied to each asset at the time of acquisition with a minimum score set at 70/100.
    During the management phase, an approach to progress on the ESG criteria of the asset (monitoring the development of the asset, regular reporting) is implemented.
  • For the financial portfolio, SRI funds to which an ESG due diligence developed by La Financière de l'Échiquier, Praemia REIM France's delegate for the management of this portfolio, has been applied. It produces an SRI Maturity Score for each security.

Why invest in a SRI real estate fund?

What is an SRI-labeled real estate fund?
A collective savings and investment vehicle with the SRI label. 

The Real Estate SRI label is a tool for choosing responsible and sustainable investments. Created and supported by the Ministry of Finance and effective as of October 2020, it aims to make socially responsible investment (SRI) products more visible to savers.

OPCI Praemia REIM ISR Investissement socialement responsable

An SRI-labeled real estate fund allows :

  • Commit to the environment and society by investing responsibly. 
  • Directing its savings towards issues such as the fight against climate change, the production of "clean" energy, the health and safety of buildings, and the comfort and well-being of building occupants.
  • Combine financial performance and responsible investment through the work of management companies that conduct an investment and asset management strategy under the prism of ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria, thereby increasing the sustainability and value of real estate and financial assets over time. 

Praemia REIM France's belief: properties that demonstrate ESG performance will be more liquid and better valued over the long term.

Become an associate of the OPCI PREIM ISR

Conditions of subscription to 30/09/2024

Minimum duration of investment : 10 years

The OPCI directly and/or indirectly holds real estate whose sale implies delays which will depend on the state of the real estate market. In the event of a request for redemption (repayment) of your shares, your money may not be paid to you until two (2) months after the net asset value has been established.
In addition, the amount you receive back may be less than the amount you invested if the value of the OPCI's assets, particularly the real estate market, falls over the term of your investment.

VL Part Vie
VL Part Compte titre
VL Part SG Primonial OPCI ISR
VL Part Institutionnel
Evolution de la valeur liquidative Part Vie de l'OPCI PREIM ISR sur 1 an glissant
Les performances passées ne sont pas un indicateur fiable des performances futures. Les marchés peuvent évoluer très différemment à l'avenir.
Ce graphique peut vous aider à évaluer la manière dont le fonds a été géré dans le passé.
Evolution de la valeur liquidative Part Compte titre de l'OPCI PREIM ISR sur 1 an glissant
Les performances passées ne sont pas un indicateur fiable des performances futures. Les marchés peuvent évoluer très différemment à l'avenir.
Ce graphique peut vous aider à évaluer la manière dont le fonds a été géré dans le passé.
Evolution de la valeur liquidative Part SG Praemia OPCI ISR de l'OPCI PREIM ISR sur 1 an glissant
Les performances passées ne sont pas un indicateur fiable des performances futures. Les marchés peuvent évoluer très différemment à l'avenir.
Ce graphique peut vous aider à évaluer la manière dont le fonds a été géré dans le passé.
Evolution de la valeur liquidative Part Institutionnel de l'OPCI PREIM ISR sur 1 an glissant
Les performances passées ne sont pas un indicateur fiable des performances futures. Les marchés peuvent évoluer très différemment à l'avenir.
Ce graphique peut vous aider à évaluer la manière dont le fonds a été géré dans le passé.
Risque de perte en capital

1 - Risk of capital loss

The SPPICAV offers no guarantee of capital protection. Investors are warned that their capital is not guaranteed and may not be returned or may only be partially returned. Investors should not invest in the SPPICAV if they are unable to bear the consequences of such a loss. Exposure to these risks may result in a decrease in the net asset value.

Risque de liquidité

2 - Liquidity risk

The real estate market offers limited liquidity. Sustained demand for redemption of OPCI units over a short period of time may have an unfavorable impact on the sale price of properties that must be disposed of within a limited timeframe, which could have an unfavorable impact on net asset value.

Risque de marché

3 - Discretionary management risk

The management style practiced by the SPPICAV and its delegates is based on anticipating the evolution of the various markets and/or on the selection of assets. There is a risk that the SPPICAV may not be invested in the best performing markets or properties at all times. The performance of the SPPICAV may be lower than the management objective and the net asset value of the SPPICAV may record a negative performance.

Risque lié à l'endettement

4 - Debt and credit risk

Fluctuations in the real estate market may significantly reduce the debt repayment capacity and fluctuations in the credit market may reduce the sources of financing and significantly increase the cost of such financing. Leverage has the effect of increasing the investment capacity of the SPPICAV but may also increase the risk of loss.

Risques liés à des investissements dans des actifs immobiliers

5 - Risks related to investments in real estate assets

Changes in the real estate market may lead to significant variations in the value of buildings, as may changes in the rental market (risk of vacancy or non-payment of rent) and the level of technical performance of buildings.

Risques liés à des investissements dans des actifs financiers

6 - Risks related to investments in financial assets / contracts

Fluctuations in the prices of the OPCI's financial assets may have a positive or negative impact on the OPCI's net asset value. The market risk is the risk of a general fall in the price of the financial assets in which the OPCI invests.

Real estate assets
Geographical spread
Unlisted real estate
Other assets
Source : Praemia REIM France at 03/31/2023
Healthcare / Education
Source : Praemia REIM France at 03/31/2023
Parisian region
Euro zone
Source : Praemia REIM France at 03/31/2023

The investments of the OPCI PREIM ISR

In the investment phase: each real estate asset is subject to a non-financial rating that must be above the threshold score of 70/100 based on the ESG indicators set out in Praemia REIM France's proprietary rating grid, which allows it to select only assets rated above this score.

In the management phase: Praemia REIM France is implementing a continuous improvement process for the real estate assets of the OPCI PREIM ISR to ensure optimal monitoring (permanent monitoring of energy consumption, precise mapping of assets, relevant action plan for improvement).

Past investments are not a reliable indicator of future investments.

Le Shift

Le Shift

Issy-les-Mouulineaux, France


Paris 12, France
Gambetta Village

Gambetta Village

Paris 20, France

Our products present a risk of capital loss due to the evolution of the real estate markets. Income is not guaranteed and may rise or fall depending on the performance of the fund. Investment in OPCI units is considered for the long term with a recommended investment horizon of 10 years. Liquidity is limited, as the management company does not guarantee the resale of units. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

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